Base services

The main function of the rehearsal base is Rehearsals. Please, use the rehearsal place for its main purpose - rehearse! playing music, singing, recitation of works, whatever you want to "hone" to the desired level.
Subscription Rehearsals
Order rehearsals by subscription! Service - for constantly rehearsing groups, at least twice a week - discounted price!
Rehearsal Broadcasts
Rehearsal streams and audio- + video-broadcasts of live rehearsals to the Internet. Use all modern opportunities to popularize your creativity, expand the group's audience! We offer you the broadcast of your performance at the rehearsal base on the Internet!
Drum Lessons
The Drum School is open at the rehearsal base! Services for learning to play percussion instruments - For you. Teacher Anna will provide You all the details of becoming the professional drummer! Contact phone: 8 (977) 57O-5O96
Additional Services
- Recruitment of musicians for groups (if possible)
- Repair of musical instruments (testing of cords, soldering, etc.)
- Providing free time for honest drummers work
(cheaper than for bands - after a preliminary call)
- Music Message Board (purchase - sale - exchange - services) -
we can post your information (posters, flyers), advertise concerts -
on our off-line bulletin board
- Museum of Musical Instruments
We collect old soviet and imported musical instruments
(ready to part with such item without compensation - we are waiting for your call)
- Replacement shoes, guitar picks, Tea, coffee, cookies are provided
- Music Library worx
- Toilets and washbasins are available
Rehearsals of

Musical instruments rent
- Dixon Kardan (Double bass drum pedals)
- Mapex bass drum pedal
- snare drum
- hi-hat, crash, ride cymbals
- Cort KX5 electro-guitar
Promotion Services
band / musician
Implemented as talent is identified
The promotion services include:
the promotion of your demo - recording
in Russian music market,
on the Russian music market,
thru the world music market,
the promotion at radio stations,
music magazines in desired countries,,
music TV - Video companies,
music labels,
contacts with musical groups,
Creation and promotion of the band / musician website,
Albums' releasing,
Distribution of songs through media resources,
and other methods of groups' promotion